Thursday, February 6, 2014

~ A One-day-Niqabi Experience ~ (for now....(",*)..)


#1st try at home
Hello korang! Ya Allah…lama benar I hilangkan diri menyepi tanpa berita terkini..(“ eh, rhyme la pulak..!”)… Hmm..bnyk sangat benda nak update kat blog ni.. sampaikan tak tau nk update ape dulu… nk update pasal makan… pasal tudung..pasal life… so, I da consider and main Long Cam Pas dengan diri I sendiri.. I nak share ngan u’ols, my experience as a Niqabi on this one particular random day. 

 Ok, sbnrnya macam ni…. I mmg suka la..curious gitu dengan wanita-wanita pakai Niqab ni.. macamane dorang makan..dorang minum..dorang pakai niqab tu..macamane dorang…u know…live with it la. So…this is what I found. 

I rasa, a niqabi is a very strong lady who muster all her courage to go thru all the stares, the awkward moment when everyone is looking at her, waiting for her to eat or drink… just to see her beauty underneath her veil. To me, yes, I felt a bit awkward but I did my best to act normal…eat normally, drink normally, talk normally….but, memandangkan I asthmatic, it was hard for me to breathe normally. Tak tau la kalau niqab I salah position ke..kain tebal ke…Wallaahu a’laam.. But, I am sure, that was not going to be my first and the last…there will surely be a next time, In Shaa Allah. 

Credits to my companion..bukan setakat kawan makan je tau….kawan niqab jgk! Hehehe! Thanks kak!

#Niqabi Saleha #Best Companion

#Niqabi Sri #My 1st Unforgettable Precious Experience

Signing Off Niqabis, 


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